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Driving on a highway has its own undying charm. Those scenic beauty all around you, the pleasant weather wrapping the soul of you, that music creating mushy mushy mood for you, the by passers and by-standers flashing on & off before you & beside you.

Rainbows, pathways, greeneries, sceneries, oh just everything, simply everything endows us with moments that we conserve & reserve in our heart of hearts & wish it to continue forever & ever.

How we dream life should be exactly like this, painted with beautiful brushes of love, colours of enjoyment, strokes of fun and a huge portrait of memories, journeys & discoveries. And yes, life is this, it flows, it continues, it moves further with experiences. It’s a continuous process of progression, advancement & enrichment exploring newness & novelties, embracing moments & getting happiness in abundance.

But are we really and readily prompt to do so? Are we constantly moving further in the journey of self-discovery where we tend to meet new people, learn while experiencing & absorb it all while living fully?

Life should actually be like this when a dream comes alive, where we make a commitment to travel, explore,  experience & enhance the quality of our life. So let’s get on with life with it’s traveling explotica (It’s my version of exploring exotic places while traveling), take your backpack, tie your shoes, examine your itinerary, fill your mind with curiosity, your heart with love, hope & a zest for adventure.

Yes the road is set for you… with a heartful and apt song from the background “Gaadi bula rahi hai …”

So my dear friends, go out, discover myriad destinations, enjoy the rides, relish different savories & cuisines & enjoy the beautiful experience called life in true sense of the word while treading on the road frequently travelled & less travelled as well.

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Ruheena Priyadarshini is a positive psychologist, professional speaker, and communication expert. She designs and develops seminars and workshops for Corporates, Universities, Institutions and conceptualizes various modules for Parents, Teachers & Students on Positive parenting, Self-growth, Positive attitude developments and other customized topics.